What is a charter school?

Charter schools are tuition-free, public schools. By law, charter schools are free and open to any student in the state of Minnesota. They are governed and operated jointly by licensed teachers, parents, and community members.

Charter schools operate on three basic principles: accountability, choice, and autonomy. Charter schools are accountable to improve student learning and remain fiscally solvent. Charter law provides that families should be able to choose what public school is best for their child. Charter school autonomy empowers teachers and parents to realize an educational vision at the school site.

For more information on charter schools see:

What is an authorizer?

An authorizer is an organization which is approved by the Minnesota Department of Education to authorize charter schools in the state of Minnesota. All charter schools in Minnesota are required to have an authorizer. An authorizer grants the original charter allowing the school to open and operate, continually monitors and evaluates the school’s performance, and–based on the school’s performance–determines whether or not to renew the charter over time.

Who is El Colegio’s authorizer?

El Colegio is authorized by Pillsbury United Communities (PUC). PUC co-creates enduring change toward a just society. PUC charter schools:
• Offer bold and innovative educational strategies
• Provide an environment that promotes respect for all students and their individual identities
• Engage students in academic and authentic learning opportunities, service learning, and personal development

Contact Information:
Alul Yesak, Director
Pillsbury United Communities
Office of Public Charter Schools
1701 Oak Park Avenue North
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55411

Larry McKenzie, Charter School Liaison

How do I request student records?

For student records requests you can fax 612-728-5790 or email officemanager@el-colegio.org