Currently enrolled students

Students who are currently enrolled at El Colegio Charter School will receive letters to inform families about important dates and letters will be sent home with report cards.  The Letter of Intent must be received by the last business day in February to be guaranteed placement for the following school year.

New Student Enrollment

New student enrollment will begin on January 15th.  A completed registration form must be received by March 15th to be considered for placement.  A lottery will only occur if the number of students who are currently enrolled exceeds 40 students in grades 9 -11, 25 students in 12th grade

Lottery Process

A general lottery will be conducted on the last business day of March for each grade level where the number of enrollment applications received exceeds the number of openings.  After the lottery, students who are not accepted in the grade level applied for will be placed on a waiting list sequential by lottery number.  As openings become available, students will be contacted and placed.  The waiting list will expire at the end of the current school year and the enrollment process will begin again in January for the next school year.

Enrollment Capacity

El Colegio Charter School Board of Directors may decide to close enrollment based on the schools capacity to meet the needs of the students currently enrolled.


El Colegio Charter School’s staff will use completed registration information to determine the appropriate placement for the student.  No placement will be finalized until all necessary information has been received and appropriate services and programming has been arranged.

Enrollment of Families and Youth in Transition 

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, reauthorized in December 2001, ensures educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness.  El Colegio Charter School provides immediate enrollment despite not having all required documents which are normally obtained prior to enrollment.  Students may apply at any time.


In accordance with federal law and U. S. Department of Education policy, this institution does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.